Day 6: Escape from Afghanistan

As we reach Day 6 of the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, Worthy News was able to obtain dramatic footage of what’s happening inside and outside the international airport in Kabul. Watch as the U.S. Army uses Blackhawks to keep the runways clear of the thousands waiting along the runway! Thousands continue to wait outside the airport’s walls!

Continue to keep Afghanistan in your prayers!

What’s your heart saying? World Economic Forum Working Toward Tracking Individuals Through their Heart!

The World Economic Forum released a video entitled, “5 ways the pandemic could reshape our lives in the long-term.”

Within the video describes a method of tracking the world’s population by an individual’s heart!

As Jesus said, “out of the abundance of the heart” a man speaks! [Luke 8:15]

What would your heart be saying today? Would it speak of love? Of peace? Of Joy? Or would it be trembling as Jesus described the last days that men would be fainting from fear? [Luke 21:26]<

So give yourself a heart test … if you’re not at peace, then learn how you can truly find peace in these last days!

Fresh Evacuation Orders Issued in California

A new State of Emergency has been declared as fires continue blazing across California.

60 miles from Sacramento, the Caldor fire grew at a rate of 30,000 acres in the span of 3 days destroying over 50 houses.

Due to the Dixie Fire, the second-largest ever in California history which scored over 600,000 acres, the Pacific Gas and Electric company is cutting power to over 48,000 residents in Northern California.

Flashback: This is not Vietnam claims Biden on July 6, 2021

When asked about any parallels between this Afghan withdrawal and the end of the Vietnam war, Biden said: “None whatsoever. Zero.”

Please continue to pray for the situation in Afghanistan as it’s reported that the U.S. has deployed another 1,000 troops. There are also unconfirmed reports of U.S. heavy bombers in route to destroy U.S. military equipment that was abandoned by the Afghanistan army.

Thousands Attempt to Flee Afghanistan