Sad, what’s happening at the border!

Amazing, how the media is complicit in hiding the border crisis! Photos are going viral across the web … but Fakebook and Twister will probably take them down soon enough! Be praying for these kids!

Project Veritas just posted a video …

Twister is censoring Project Veritas’ photos … is this surprising?

Antifa Riots Take Place in Bristol, England

The far-left riot in Bristol, England today quickly became violent. People tried to overturn a police van before setting it on fire at night and throwing explosives at police.

Bristol, England: Far-left rioters started large fires outside the police station and attacked police with weapons at the riot. The event had been promoted by the local BLM group.

NYC Judge Removes 6-Year-Old From Mother Because She Didn’t Wear a Mask While Dropping Her Off at School

A New York City judge has removed a 6-year-old girl from her mother because she did not wear a mask while dropping her off outside of the school.

In a shocking and egregious move, the court also told Dr. Epstein that in order to get short supervised visits with her child — she will have to wear a mask inside her own home.

It was a normal day for Dr. Micheline Epstein, a family physician, when she went to drop her daughter off at the Birch Wathen Lenox School on the Upper East Side last week — until her entire life was turned upside down in an instant.  Read this shocking story at the Gateway Pundit

How Do Big Media Outlets So Often “Independently Confirm” Each Other’s Falsehoods?

There were so many false reports circulated by the dominant corporate wing of the U.S. media as part of the five-year-long Russiagate hysteria that in January, 2019, I compiled what I called “The 10 Worst, Most Embarrassing U.S. Media Failures on the Trump-Russia Story.” The only difficult part of that article was choosing which among the many dozens of retractions, corrections and still-uncorrected factual falsehoods merited inclusion in the worst-ten list. So stiff was the competition that I was forced to omit many huge media Russiagate humiliations, and thus, to be fair to those who missed the cut, had to append a large “Dishonorable Mention” category at the end.

That the entire Russiagate storyline itself was a fraud and a farce is conclusively demonstrated by one decisive fact that can never be memory-holed: namely, the impetus for the scandal and subsequent investigation was the conspiracy theory that the Trump campaign had secretly and criminally conspired with the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election, primarily hacking into the email inboxes of the DNC and Clinton campaign chief John Podesta. And a grand total of zero Americans were accused (let alone convicted) of participating in that animating conspiracy. — Be sure to read this entire article! Source: Glenn Greenwald (Substack)

‘You Parade Around In Two Masks For Show’: Sen. Rand Paul Questions Dr. Fauci On Wearing Masks After Vaccination

There is a bit of history between Rand Paul and Dr. Fauci … this is an exchange between them in September.

Netflix Cartoon Uses Sex and Gun-Loving Jesus to Bash NRA, Gun Rights

The liberal fever dream of disarming lawful gun owners came through in Season Three of Netflix’s Paradise P.D. Along with attacking gun rights, it was also blasphemous against Christianity, featuring a video of a gun-wielding Jesus that turns into a porno.

“Pry this gun from my cold, dead hands and win a Republican Senate seat.” The head of the NRA, Mr. Chip Fuck-Yeah, shows them a video using Jesus as a prop to show how “guns make a better world.” The video is horrifically offensive, with Jesus coming down from the Cross to kill his persecutors with machine guns then have sex with two women. Source: NewsBusters

The cartoon was too offensive to post on Worthy, however, if you wish, the NewsBusters site has the clip if you’re interested.

Could the Bible be cancel culture’s next victim?

No one understood the dynamics of ideological persecution and the failure of society better than German pastor Martin Niemoller.

In his famous post-World War II confessional speech, he said (in paraphrase): “First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a communist. Then they came for the socialists, then the trade unionists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a socialist nor a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.”

Jump 80 years forward, and ask yourself this: After “canceling” one literary, musical, artistic, and theatrical classic after another, will be anybody left to speak for the Bible when the “woke” movement inevitably goes after the canonic text of Jewish (and Christian) civilization?

After all, isn’t there slavery in the Bible, alongside discrimination against women, the handicapped, and non-Jews? Isn’t there intolerance of gender-fluid identities and racism regarding certain nations? The Bible even calls for genocide against the seven Canaanite nations, and Amalek! — Source: Jerusalem Post Op-Ed

Read the entire Op-Ed … the cancel culture is coming, and yet we rejoice why?

Matthew 5:11-12  “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Our redemption draws near …

Could the Bible be cancel culture’s next victim_ – opinion – The Jerusalem Post [PDF Version if the original link is broken]

Study: Few US Capitol Rioters Had Ties to Right-Wing Groups

A new study from the Chicago Project on Security and Threats at the University of Chicago finds that only 10% of the Capitol rioters had ties to right-wing militia groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers.

“Our findings are really quite surprising. It turns out only a small fraction are a collection of right-wing militias. What we see is a new mass political movement with violence at its core,” said Robert Pape, a political science professor at the University of Chicago who oversaw the research.

“Most people thought right after the insurrection that these insurrectionists are coming from the reddest parts of America. That’s just not the case,” Pape said.

While Pape’s research shies away from specific policy recommendations, it says the movement behind the Jan. 6 insurrection has the potential to grow, and calls for “new political solutions” to combat it.

“What we are dealing with here is not merely a mix of right-wing organizations, but a broader mass movement with violence at its core,” the study states. “We need to do more to understand who we are dealing with in the new movement. Targeting pre-2021 far right organizations alone will not solve the problem.” — Source

So what they discovered in this study is that the movement that took place in D.C. were mostly business owners … and nearly 50% coming from Biden won districts. Will they use this study to BROADEN the terms to try and clamp down the “movement”? And whom will they try and silence?

NARRATIVE COLLAPSE: WaPo Admits Inventing Trump ‘Find The Fraud’ Quotes, Quietly Issues ‘Correction’

The Post’s full, seven-sentence correction attributes the misquote to faulty “information provided by a source”:

Correction: Two months after publication of this story, the Georgia secretary of state released an audio recording of President Donald Trump’s December phone call with the state’s top elections investigator. The recording revealed that The Post misquoted Trump’s comments on the call, based on information provided by a source. Trump did not tell the investigator to “find the fraud” or say she would be “a national hero” if she did so. Instead, Trump urged the investigator to scrutinize ballots in Fulton County, Ga., asserting she would find “dishonesty” there. He also told her that she had “the most important job in the country right now.” A story about the recording can be found here. The headline and text of this story have been corrected to remove quotes misattributed to Trump.

The headline now reads “Trump pressured a Georgia elections investigator in a separate call legal experts say could amount to obstruction” as opposed to “‘Find the fraud’: Trump pressured a Georgia elections investigator in a separate call legal experts say could amount to obstruction.” — Source

When the mainstream media spreads a narrative of Trump threatening Georgia officials … and we again find the fact they have lied, and have done so for years, is it now proper to conclude that MSM has become nothing but a propaganda machine to push their narrative.