FBI Stats: 2020 Saw Twice as Many People Killed with Knives than with Shotguns and Rifles Combined

The latest crime statistics gathered by the FBI show that more than twice as many people were murdered with knives than rifles and shotguns combined.

The FBI’s Uniform Crime Report released Monday shows that 454 people were killed with rifles of all types and another 203 were killed by shotguns.

Together they totaled 657 murders.

Meanwhile, 1,732 were killed by knives or cutting instruments. Source: Western Journal

Transgender Weightlifter Awarded Title ‘Sportswoman of the Year’

A New Zealand weightlifter who failed to advance beyond the first round in the Olympics has been named “Sportswoman of the Year.”

Laurel Hubbard, who became the first openly transgender Olympic competitor, was honored by the University of Otago last week, according to the New Zealand Herald.

Hubbard, 43, caused controversy by making the Olympics, leading to a debate over whether biological women who should have been in the competition were pushed aside in the rules that allowed him to compete as a woman. Source: Western Journal (Read More)

UK Sunday Times: So Trump was right: the election was rigged. And our next one will be too

The American public is slowly waking up to the fact that they are being led by an ineffectually devious, senile halfwit. Donald Trump is back in the lead in the opinion polls. Imagine how awful a president must be if people would rather that sack of meat with mittens were back in charge.
Soon the public will wake up to something even more unpleasant and sinister: that the last presidential election was a fraud, rigged by big business, the labour unions and, more than anything, the media and the tech companies. If that election had taken place in any other country, it would have been called “unfree”. And, as more and more evidence emerges, it terrifies me that the same thing could happen here.  — Read how the London Times analyzed the U.S. election and warning their own populace of a similiar consequence