Tent City Established Across the Street from Capitol

A respected journalist on Twitter posted a video of a tent city in Washington D.C. near the U.S. Capitol building.  When I traveled across the United States, I saw the same ‘tent cities’ in Portland, Seattle, and Denver.  Another journalist commented as to the reason why the tent city was not removed was due to the fact that police officers need an order from the DC Mayor in order to remove it.

Panic Buttons Removed During Capitol Hill Riots

I find this interesting that the panic button of Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (M) was removed from her office!  Did someone want ‘the mob’ to harm her? If so, why?

Democratic Rep. Says Authorities Probing Her Report That Her Office Panic Buttons Were Removed Before Capitol Riot – Forbes

An investigation is underway into why panic buttons were removed from Rep. Ayanna Pressley’s (D-Mass.) office ahead of last week’s deadly riot in the U.S. Capitol building, a Pressley spokesperson said.

As Pressley’s staff sheltered in the Longworth Office Building across the street from the Capitol during the riot last Wednesday, chief of staff Sarah Groh noticed the panic buttons installed in the congresswoman’s office suite in case of emergencies had been ripped out inexplicably, she told the Boston Globe Wednesday.

D.C. Lockdown

Ask yourself a question … why the lockdown a week before a VIRTUAL inauguration? There are 4x the number of troops in D.C. than Iraq and Afghanistan combined! These are the things that make me wonder … hmmm?!?!

President Trump Executive Order 13959

President Donald Trump published an amendment to Executive Order 13959 which was delivered to Nancy Pelosi today, January 13, 2021. It was originally published on the RSN network’s (Right Side Broadcasting) Twitter Feed. Right Side Network was established by the Trump administration to combat the main stream media.

Originally posted on Twitter. In the event, the tweets are removed, the letters are enclosed.


D.C. Gridlock

I can attest that when I worked in Washington D.C. for a year, the traffic is absolutely horrific. However, this pales in comparison to a traffic picture posted by a journalist on Twitter.

dc grid lock

National Guard Takes Position in U.S. Capitol, BLM Protests

The National Guard is taking up positions at the U.S. Capitol. Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter is protesting the U.S. Capitol.



Matthew 5:9  “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.