Hundreds of Health Care Workers Protest Mandatory Vaccinations in NC
HAPPENING NOW: Hundreds are marching to Atrium Health to protest the healthcare system's new policy that will require all employees to be vaccinated. More »
— WBTV News (@WBTV_News) August 1, 2021
Media Hiding “Vaccine Failure” In Israel, UK, Scotland?
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Are you ready for Vaccine Admisssion?
New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) is asking businesses to require proof of vaccination for admission.
Madam Speaker: You are not God!
Watch this short one-minute speech given on Capitol Hill!
Protests Spread to Berlin, Germany
Despite a ban by authorities, thousands protested in Berlin against Covid restrictions over the weekend.
Protests Continue in France
Third straight Saturday where mass protests have taken place throughout France over Covid Lockdowns / Passports.
Congress Protests Mask Mandate in Capitol
Congressmen and Senators parade around Capitol Hill Maskless to protest the CDC’s recommendation of a “mask mandate.”
Doctor Discovers Microscopic Clotting in 62% of His Patients that have been vaccinated
Be sure to watch this doctor’s analysis of the ‘microscopic clots’ caused by the vaccinations in his patients. In testing of his patients, he found that 62% of his patients were dealing with blood clotting. These microscopic clots will worsen over time, the doctor claims. Watch this … share this!
“We are now in a Totalitarian Marxist Territory”, Congressmen Says
Members of Congress have been locked out of the DC Corrections facility and told they are trespassing as they went to inspect the facilities those who have been kept since the riots took place on January 6th on Capitol Hill.