Biden Warns of War As A Result of Cyber Breach
Biden: “If we end up in a war, a real shooting war with a major power, it’s going to be as a consequence of a cyber breach. Of great consequence.”
Worthy Insights on Israel, Iran, Lebanon and the Protests in Cuba
George Whitten, director of Worthy Ministries / Worthy News, gives an update on the current situation in Israel, Iran, and Lebanon. Be sure to watch this short 10 minute expose. Learn why social media has become an enemy to FREEDOM!
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett Brands Unvaccinated as Danger to Society
The green passport resurrected in its entirety as Prime Minister Naftali Bennett brands unvaccinated a danger to society. Former Knesset member says Israel sliding into fascism in its effort to stem the rising tide of new COVID infections.
Thousands Protest in the UK Against Covid Restrictions
Thousands protest in the UK against lockdowns! Protesters can be heard, “We will not bow our knee to tyranny!”
Thousands Protest in Australia
Thousands of protesters shouted “freedom” as they marched in Australia. Those who protested were not bussed in! There were no celebrities backing them! No politicians involved! No media promoting the event. Just thousands of protesters saying, “No More!”
Protests Erupt in Italy
Protest erupts in Italy as people gather to fight the “green pass” vaccine passport.
Monsoons Cause Flooding and Mudslides in Western India
Be sure to keep those in Western India in prayer as monsoons have caused mass flooding and trigger landslides that have killed over 30, and another 1,000 remain trapped!