‘We’re Coming for Your Children’: SF Gay Men’s Chorus Pushes Agenda
You say we all lead lives you don’t respect. But you’re just frightened. You think that we’ll corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked. Funny, just this once, you’re correct.
We’ll convert your children – happens bit by bit, quietly and subtly and you will barely notice it…
Just like you’re worried, they’ll change their group of friends, you won’t approve of where they go at night. And you’ll be disgusted when they start learning things online that you kept far from their sight…
We’ll convert your children – Yes we will! – reaching one and all, there’s really no escaping it, cause even grandma likes RuPaul…
The world’s getting kinder, Gen Z’s gayer than Grindr…We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children…The gay agenda is coming home. The gay agenda is here.
CBN News Op-Ed: Big Development in China is Setting up the World for the Mark of the Beast
In the event that the video is removed from YouTube, this is a copy we’ve saved on our servers.
Biden: Door to Door Vaccination Outreach Plan
“We need to go community-by-community, neighborhood-by-neighborhood, and oft times door-to-door, literally knocking on doors” to get people vaccinated, President Joe Biden said.
What would you say if they knocked on your door?
Hamas Summer Camps Train Children to Become Terrorists … where is the media outrage?
In the event that YouTube censors the above video, we’ve made a copy.
Professor Dr. Ioannidis Details Why Lockdowns are Extremely Harmful
Dr. John Ioannidis is a Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology and Population Health, and Biomedical Data Science at Stanford University. He was labeled “one of the most influential scientists alive” by The Atlantic and is one of the top-cited scientists in the world averaging over 6,000 new citations per month.
In March of 2020, Dr. Ioannidis published an opinion essay arguing against school closures, social distancing measures, and lockdowns.
In April of 2020, he published the Santa Clara study which put the infection fatality rate (IFR) at much lower than previously feared, around 0.17%.
In June of 2020, he published a meta-analysis of 23 studies which pegged the IFR around 0.26%.
These are highlights from a 2-hour presentation that he gave on June 25, 2021, where he discusses the 10,000 fold difference in fatality rates between children and the elderly, the failure of lockdown policies, and much much more.
Watch this TESTIMONY from a Pro-Vaxxer!
In the event, the testimony gets taken down from YouTube.