GameStop Making Waves on Wall Street

Wall Street hedge funds worth billions were literally taken to the streets today by Reddit users!

For those who do not know, hedge funds were shorting 140% of Game Stop shares.  It’s called a “naked short” when there MORE shares shorted than are actually available for trade.  Those on Reddit, many of them — gamers — didn’t like the fact that their franchise store was being under assault!  Many of them banned together and bought shares … and kept buying shares!

If someone is caught in a “short-squeeze” and cannot find the shares to cover their short — the losses are limitless!  Overnight, billion-dollar hedge funds were broke!

Elon Musk whose Tesla Company was once under assault by the same hedge funds that shorted Tesla sparked enthusiasm amongst the Reddit army — and they just kept buying!

The irony is that these Reddit investors used a platform called Robinhood.  So this band of ‘small-time’ stock investors completely have Wall Street in an uproar.

There were lots of stories on Reddit of users who used the money for a good cause.

Definition of a Dictator in the words of Biden in October

In October of 2020, Joe Biden said, “I have this strange notion, we are a democracy … if you can’t get the votes … you can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus.”

Number of executive orders in the first week of office:

Bill Clinton: 1
George W. Bush: 0
Barack Obama: 5
Donald J. Trump: 4
Joe Biden: 37 (In just 6 days)

Senator Rand Paul Speaks Out in the Hypocrisy of Incitement

On the floor of the Senate, Rand Paul (R-Ky.) during the vote whether or not to impeach former President Donald Trump spent his five minutes laying out the hypocrisy of the charges laid out!

“No Democrat will honestly ask whether Bernie Sanders incited the shooter that nearly killed Steve Scalise and a volunteer coach. The shooter nearly pulled off a massacre.”

“No Democrat will ask whether Cory Booker incited violence when he called for his supporters to ‘get up in their face’ of congresspeople, a very visual and specific incitement.”

“No Democrat will ask whether Maxine Waters incited violence when she literally told her supporters and I quote, ‘If you see a member of the Trump administration… any place, you create a crowd and you push back on them.’ Is that not incitement?”

“Kamala Harris famously offered to pay the bill for those who were arrested [in the BLM riots]. I wonder if she will be brought up on charges of inciting violence for that now that she’s Vice President? Should Kamala Harris be impeached for offering to pay for violent people to get out of jail who’ve been burning our cities down?”

“The mayor of Seattle, who incited and condoned violence by calling the armed takeover of part of her city ‘a summer of love.'”

“On June 8th, the New York Post, citing U.S. Department of Justice statistics, reported that more than 700 law enforcement officers were injured during the Antifa/Black Lives Matter riots. There were at least 19 murders, including 77-year-old retired police officer David Dorn.”

Antifa Targets Tacoma in Washington

Riots exploded in Tacoma, Washington over the weekend.

So police initially responded to a call at this intersection where traffic was halted.

A police cruiser approaches the intersection to respond to the call, gets surrounded by protesters as they start rocking the cruiser, the police just goes full steam ahead and drives over people!

After this incident, protesters gathered at the intersection.

Continue to be praying over this whole situation as the tensions have only begun to escalate!

Antifa Targets ICE in Portland

Over the weekend, Antifa targeted the ICE facility in Portland. Please continue to be praying over Portland!