Watch Camels Perplexed in Rare Blizzard in Saudi Arabia

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1 thought on “Watch Camels Perplexed in Rare Blizzard in Saudi Arabia”

    Our world is Ravished by Natural Disasters, Droughts, Floods, Blizzards, Fires, Hurricanes, Psunomies, Plagues & others. Why has all this trouble come upon us?
    The Bible says in (Micah 6:13), I will make thee sick because of thy sins.
    God Blesses the Just, but violence covers the wicked. (Prov.10:5).
    God smote the lusting, rebellious people with a very great plague,(Numbers 11:33), More than 14,700 people died of plague, (Nu.16:49).
    Be of good cheer, (Psa.91:9-10), says:
    Because I have made the Lord My Refuge & My habitation – NO EVIL SHALL BEFALL ME, & NO PLAGUE SHALL COME NEAR MY DWELLING.
    We are a nation divided against itself, and the Bible says in Matt.12:25, that a Kingdom divided shall meet destruction, a city or house divided against itself cannot stand.
    GOD SAYS: “If I bring drought on the land, or command the Locusts to Devour their crops, or If I send Pestilence, (Covid), among the people.
    God says in (2 Cronicles 7:13-14)
    If My people who are called by My name, (The name of Jesus Christ), shall humble themselves, Pray, turn from their wicked ways, – Then I will hear from Heaven, I will forgive their sins and i WILL heal their land. (2 Cronicles 7:13-14) & (Mal.2:2).
    Jesus Christ told a woman in Mark 5:54.
    ‘Go in Peace and be healed of thy plague”. She was healed.
    The Bible says in (John 5:16), “The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous, avails much.”
    Jesus Christ said in (John 14:14), “If you ask anything, [believing], in My Name, I will do it.
    Yes, God does hear and answer our prayers in Jesus name.
    Amen; Shalom


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