Coronavirus and Concerts?

Yesterday, I said this —

As many of you know, I read over 200 newspapers daily which translates into roughly 2000 headlines a day. Until this week … it seemed every headline was COVID! Apparently, this is not the case any longer! Remember on election day … this was the headline that I cracked up over — CDC says people sick with COVID-19 can break quarantine to vote in-person. ( Source: ). Apparently, the CDC didn’t mind if you spread COVID if you were doing your civic duty! Hypocrites!

Today … in the Hill …. Indoor Concerts may be made safe from coronavirus spread …. CAN YOU SAY … HMMM?

Worthy Insights 11.4.2020 AM

Sources are saying that Biden will declare himself Winner at 4 PM. Just so you know, this will set off an avalanche of a storm!

The President’s Twitter account keeps getting censored! Where is the 1st Amendment activists?

The way the Media was calling States last night clearly showed partisanship — even on Fox News — to a degree NO ONE should trust ANYTHING they are seeing — you need the spirit of God to navigate this nonsense! The media refused to call States such as Florida and Texas … and called states such as Virginia before a small percentage of the votes were even COUNTED!

This will end up in the COURTS — sad to say, and we as a nation will enter into a period of #CivilWar

Michele Bachman on America’s voice was preaching REVIVAL and the period of the GREAT AWAKENING! Praise God for her … I wish she was still in Congress!

Pray up Saints! This is going to be a long month!

Worthy Insights – 11.4.2020

As I finished the Worthy Brief [ ] last night … lots of shenanigans in the vote-counting was flooding my Twitter feed.

Across Arizona and Nevada, impromptu Trump rallies took place outside of polling stations as supporters prayed, chanted Trump, and PEACEFULLY protested.

However, Antifa and BLM rioters took to the streets of Portland and Denver last night chanting, “No borders, No walls, No USA at all!”

Many Antifa activists in Portland were outraged that leftist Mayor Ted Wheeler won his election and will continue to serve as their Mayor. So they vented as they targeted businesses as this has continued since May!

The mainstream media continues to promote the narrative that businesses in DC and NYC were boarded up to protect from Trump supporters. And yet, last night at least 20 BLM activists were arrested in NYC for rioting.

Former Mayor Guiliani is heading up the Trump campaign investigations into voter fraud. I have my suspicions that this election will end up sending a lot of people to jail. I don’t have enough evidence to publish anything substantial, but I watch carefully body language, specific words used, which leads me to believe we may be witnessing the end of vote manipulation in the United States when this is all done. People will demand ‘security’ in the electoral process. Similar to Florida — as they went through the ‘hanging chads’ in 2000 — and through legislation have ironed out many of their voting issues. Their count was finished speedily and we knew the results at a reasonable hour. Of course, Florida wasn’t called until the very end — can you say MSM collusion in steering the narrative? Be wary of the propagandists!

As many of you know, I read over 200 newspapers daily which translates into roughly 2000 headlines a day. Until this week … it seemed every headline was COVID! Apparently, this is not the case any longer! Remember on election day … this was the headline that I cracked up over — CDC says people sick with COVID-19 can break quarantine to vote in-person. ( Source: ). Apparently, the CDC didn’t mind if you spread COVID if you were doing your civic duty! Hypocrites!

Don’t allow FEAR to feed into your life … for the Lord has not given us a spirit of FEAR, but of LOVE, of POWER, and a SOUND mind!

Until next time … Be blessed and be a minister of reconciliation in the midst of the chaos!

Worthy Insights 11.3.2020 Late Night Thoughts

After a long night, the election will not be decided … however from a cyclical view, it would be interesting if the republic was decided by the votes in Philadelphia. Where democracy started … could this city’s voters decide the fate of the U.S. experiment? Pennsylvania is known as the ‘keystone’ state. Just a thought as I head to bed! Be blessed!

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Israel Develops 3-D Printed Heart

Israel has developed a 3-D print of a heart that may change the concept of hearts and other organ transplants in the future… but how does this affect those who receive the emotions stored in those hearts? Food for thought. So what do you think?

Link: Can An Organ Transplant Change A Recipient’s Personality? Cell Memory Theory Affirms ‘Yes’

Reader Question: Do you believe Israel is facing the same challenges today just like in the times of the Old Testament?

Reader question: OK. I have never asked a question on this page before, but I feel inclined to ask something. It is obviously about Israel and ministry which is why I am using this page. I have been reading the books of 1 and 2 Chronicles lately. I guess my question to you is this. Do you believe Israel is facing the same challenges today just like in the times of the Old Testament?

Absolutely, while history does not repeat itself — it often rhymes! We know that in the Old Testament, the Bible talks about Antiochus Epiphanes Daniel. The Greecian King desecrated the Temple, erected an altar with a pig, and called for the destruction of all the Torah Scrolls.

Jesus said in Matthew 24:15 “So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand),”

The Lord was referring to what took place under Antiochus … so this is a definitive scripture talking about how the prophetic future will “rhyme” with its ancient past!  :)

God bless,


Letters to the Editor: Why is the Electoral College so important?

If an election is done by a popular vote, then those trying to steal an election would only need to stuff ballot boxes in a few States they control.  So theoretically, ballot stuffing that takes place in places such as Texas, New York, or California could decide who becomes the President of the United States.

Also, the electoral college is relevant because, without it, cities would be dictating the politics of the entire nation.  This is a typical US electoral map by county by county to see who won the 2016 election.







This is the same election results however it is displayed in 3-D.

As you can see, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami as well as other major cities would determine the “nations” politics.  This is what the Framers of the Constitution feared and created a “republic” allowing a voice for all.