D.C. Gridlock

I can attest that when I worked in Washington D.C. for a year, the traffic is absolutely horrific. However, this pales in comparison to a traffic picture posted by a journalist on Twitter.

dc grid lock

Democrats Are Trying to Change the Constitution

The Democrats are ALREADY proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to ABOLISH the ELECTORAL COLLEGE and to provide for the DIRECT ELECTION of the… President of the United States. Read the text of H.R. Bill 14 that was submitted on 1/11/2021.


In the event the website changes, this is a PDF version of the Bill.

Warning: Do Not Any Attend Rallies the Next Week

All over social media, I’m seeing this reoccurring message from any different groups. Do not attend any conservative group rallies in any capitol in any state.  The media is saying the FBI is warning that “Patriots” are coming to capitols “armed.”  However, this is not the narrative I’m seeing on Twitter, FB, Gab, and Clouthub.

do not attend conservative rally

Netanyahu Equates Google = Gulag

Whenever I read through Twitter, I love reading Yair Netanyahu’s posts as he’s saying probably what his father, Benjamin Natanyahu, is thinking!  You have to understand the mindset of Israelis as the holocaust is always being reminded within the culture of Israel.  This is his latest tweet … perhaps this is what he really thinks of Google!

Pelosi Attempted to Stage ‘Military Coup’ Against Trump, NYT Reports

Definitely, an interesting commentary to read at the Media Research Center.

There has been a lot of talk about coups occurring at the Capitol last Wednesday, but one coup that hasn’t resulted in a demand to step down or resign was the one that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) seemingly attempted last Friday.

According to the New York Times, Pelosi “took the unprecedented step of asking the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff about ‘available precautions’ to prevent President [Donald] Trump from initiating military action abroad or using his sole authority to launch nuclear weapons in the last days of his term.

Source: Pelosi Attempted to Stage ‘Military Coup’ Against Trump, NYT Reports


Rush Limbaugh: Swamp Terrified of De-Classification of Documents

Talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh said Friday regarding the documents that what Trump has the authority to do in the next week and a half before the inauguration has Democrats terrified.

Pelosi has called the military and put ’em on standby in case Trump launches the nuke codes. Who are we gonna nuke? The little pot-bellied dictator, Kim Jong-un? What are they terrified of? They’re terrified that Trump is gonna unleash classified documents. You know, he’s got a bevy of ’em, folks. He’s got classified documents about the hoax, the four-year coup.

The four-year coup, the four-year effort to get the election results of 2016 overturned. There are all kinds of people who broke the law, all kinds of people who are quaking in their boots. They’re worried silly that Trump is gonna unleash some of these classified documents. Do you know what else they’re worried about? Do you know what else they’re scared of?

They are scared to death — they are terrified — that Trump is gonna pardon people who are dangerous to the establishment. Call it the swamp if you want. Because let me tell you, nothing’s changed. The people in the Washington establishment, why did they want to stop Trump in the first place? Because they didn’t want what they have been up to (which is no good) for years to ever come out.

They didn’t want Trump to discover it and release it. They remain petrified for the next 12 days that Trump is going to release — somehow, some way — what he knows about these people. In other words, they’re worried to death that he’s got a card or two to play here yet, including the pardon power. They’ve got a lot of stuff to keep covered up. I don’t know if Trump’s gonna write a book.

Rush Limbaugh (The Swamp is Scared)