Secular Democrats of America

Are you ready for your world to be turned upside down and inside out? If the measures called for by the “Secular Democrats of America” are implemented by the Biden-Harris administration, then we will witness the cancel culture mentality against Christians that will take place in ways we’ve not begun to imagine!

We posted a story about this on Worthy News.

Biden Advisers: ‘Close Churches, Ban Creationism In Education, Work’

Read the Secular Democrats of America Blueprint It’s only 28 pages, but certainly worthy of a read! Share this with your friends!

Some of the highlights within the document.

Some interesting quotes from the 28-page document.

Page 2
We urge you not to underestimate the institutional strength of what we refer to (interchangeably) in this document as the “Christian nationalist movement” or the “religious right.” This movement is extraordinarily well-funded and well-organized, and the manifestation of its extreme and sectarian agenda is on constant display under the TrumpPence administration. Its political ideology is anti-democratic and anti-scientific. It provides constant cover for white supremacy. And it advances a reactionary economic policy, tax policy, and dominionist view of the environment that undermines our capacity and will to address the climate crisis. Its agenda rests on a pinched interpretation of biblical principles preached by Christian nationalist leadership and thought leaders. With their political agenda sanctioned by a higher power, their base of support is disciplined, motivated, and deeply committed to a vision that does not align with our basic constitutional values and democratic principles.

We ask that you counter this movement’s narrative by actively working to dismantle its grip on our government and counter its inaccurate and revisionist messaging around our nation’s founding.

Page 14
The rise of white Christian nationalism is a national security threat. We recommend you: encourage the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice to dedicate resources to deradicalization programs aimed at hate groups, including, but not limited to, white nationalists; increase monitoring of such groups, including the online environment, and take action to address increased hate crimes toward minority faith communities; and shift rhetoric to label violent white nationalist extremists as terrorists.

Page 3
Policy decisions that should be guided by science and evidence—on matters ranging from climate change to comprehensive sex education to federal funding for stem cell research— have been skewed or blocked entirely by powerful religious interest groups and further undermined at every turn by the Trump administration.

Page 8
Donald Trump has empowered the religious right in ways no other administration has before, making significant advances in enacting their Christian nationalist agenda. The following recommendations serve not just as a guide to reversing these policies, but to proactively implement policies that restore secularism to federal governance and disentangle entrenched religious interests from federal policy.

Page 13
Suggest the Attorney General confer with the Department Office of Legal Counsel to issue a memorandum regarding enforcement of the Establishment Clause in public schools, including students’ protection from school-sponsored proselytizing and teaching accurate, evidence-based, secular curriculum rather than creationism in the schools.

Page 15
Disentangle the conflation of faith and patriotism. In public statements, avoid phrases like “God and country” and any implication that service members as a whole are guided by faith, as approximately 30 percent are not affiliated with religion. When administration officials, including the President and Vice President, discuss their faith publicly, we encourage them to do so in a pluralistic way that does not inadvertently denigrate the patriotism of nontheists.

Page 17
The current motto, “In God We Trust,” is a relic of McCarthyism and the anti-atheist hysteria of the 1950s, and it has been invoked by Christian nationalists to reinforce their historically revisionist narrative of our nation’s founding. They characterize the United States’ founding as a “Christian nation” based in biblical principles, rather than as a secularist nation based in revolutionary democratic ideas. The original motto, which we hope to see restored by Congress, is inclusive of all faiths and none, while “In God We Trust” excludes nontheists and polytheists.

We urge you to avoid invoking the phrase “Judeo-Christian values,” as it has been weaponized by the religious right to advance an agenda that has the veneer of inclusivity but actually undermines religious freedom and tolerance and does not represent tens of millions of Americans implicitly excluded from its formulation.

Read the end of the document of all the Executive Orders they want to rescind.

Peaceful Protest in the UK

In the UK, there was a mass peaceful protest over the mandatory vaccine measure they are trying to implement. After spending weeks in the UK, one thing that you have to understand is they are very polite in all their mannerisms. This is so apparent even when they protest! Americans could learn a thing or two from our British counterparts!

Massive Fraud Exposed in GA Congressional Hearing

So the question the media should be asking — if these staffers were planning on counting thousands of ballots in the middle of the night … why would they come up with a bogus story of a pipe leak to shut down the counting of the votes … and furthermore, tell the public they weren’t counting the ballots? When the logs show a massive injection of votes into the system … when no counting was supposed to be taking place?

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: COVID vaccine is “downright dangerous” and will send you “to your doom”

Shocking interview. Watch for yourself.

INGRAHAM: Well, so you believe that the COVID vaccine is not necessary?

BHAKDI: I think it’s downright dangerous. And I warn you, if you go along these lines, you are going to go to your doom. And it’s so, so unnecessary.

Do you remember what Fauci said on 60 minutes just a few months ago?

Did you know?

Dr. Charles Morgan speaks to cadets and faculty at West Point about a range of topics, including psychology, neurobiology, and the science of humans at war. Dr. Morgan’s neurobiological and forensic research has established him as an international expert in post-traumatic stress disorder, eyewitness memory, and human performance under conditions of high stress.

The event was organized and hosted by the Modern War Institute at West Point.

The full clip is visible on YouTube.

Civil War in Paris

You shall hear wars and rumors of wars … do not be troubled! Nation (ethnos) vs. Nation (ethnos) … civil wars breaking out! We are witnessing a civil war break out within France as thousands of protesters in Paris turned out against the Global Security Law, which would make it illegal to photograph or videotape police officers. The clashes between protesters and police lasted for hours. We’ve compiled some videos from across the web to get a visual of the situation.

Be praying for peace in Paris — and that true revival will break out in France!

Are Climate Change Lockdowns coming?

Why do LEFTISTS love lockdowns? Apparently, the NEW IDEA floating is the NEED for “CLIMATE LOCKDOWNS!” Read this Op-Ed from MarketWatch! [ ]

Who could argue that these lockdowns were DESIGNED to destroy the Middle Class?

The only people who have profited from these lockdowns are the BILLIONAIRES!

US Billionaires have increased by $1 Trillion since the lockdowns! [Source: ]

Iran’s Parliament Votes to Raise Enrichment of Uranium to 20%

Iran’s Parliament Votes to Raise Enrichment of Uranium to 20% [ ]

A quick summary of what’s been happening:

* US fired Dept of Defense secretary Mark Esper
* Acting Head of Dept of Defense has visited 4 U.S. bases in the Middle East the past few days [ ]
* NY Times reported the assassination of al-Qaeda’s #2 man in Tehran, Iran carried out by Israel in August
* Israel strikes within Iranian targets within Syria [ ]
* Secretary of State Pompeo, Israel’s PM Netanyahu met with Saudi Prince (discussions involve normalization of relations and Iran) [ ]
— If Israel were to carry out strikes with Iran, Saudi airspace permission would be ideal.
— Israel would also want to utilize U.S. air force bases within Saudi Arabia
* U.S. flies heavy bombers to Israel [ ]
* Israel assassinated one of Iran’s top nuclear scientists
* U.S. sends aircraft carrier group to the Middle East [ ]

Remember that wars and rumors of wars are oftentimes used by the Lord to usher in a harvest!